
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Paper: Must Read

Good Morning, Sunshine!

I've got a little "Variety Section" going on for you here today! :)

This week was spent making the most of our summer days, getting back into my classroom a bit and getting caught up on my reading list.  I've decided that I came across a "must read" and should share it with you.

Have you read Wonder by R.J. Palacio?  Wonder is about a 5th grade student, August "Auggie" Pullman, who was born with a facial deformity and is entering a mainstream school for the first time in his life.  I brought this book along on our last camping trip and just finished it up.  If you haven't read Wonder you should add it to your list - kids and adults alike! This book will touch your heart.  The characters and lessons will definitely stick with you making it one of those books you'll want to share with others too!

Captured from Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Back-to-school is upon us...
...My wish for all teachers out there is that they find their 'tool-boxes' to be full and the positive impact they make on students to reach no bounds.  
...I wish for all parents to share in the excitement of learning with their children each day.  
...I wish for all students to have a successful, enjoyable school year.  

And, it's my hope that everyone is touched by kindness each and every day! 

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